Quote "Scholars have written of the stylistic place of these subgenres in postmodern literature, as well as their ambiguous interaction with the historical perspective of postcolonialism" /quote What does this have to do with cyberpunk deritatives? 193.166.253. As the "Background" section only explains cyberpunk, and the following is a list of these subgenres, there is no place in the article (that i could find) where this is explained at all. The introduction in its current state says "these things are grouped together", but it does neither explain WHY they are grouped together, nor in what way they are "derived" from cyberpunk. The introduction fails to explain what that thing (or family of subgenres, if you want) is. But those who do believe "deriveratives of Cyperpunk" is a thing, need to - at least - be able to explain what that thing is. I personally do not believe these genres have much in common beyond their name, but my personal opinion is not very important.


I think the second paragraoh is the worst (and has no citations at all), but in general it is far too vague. The introduction fails to properly describe the topic. Indeed, the depth of imagination and care in Mandel’s worldbuilding what people remember, what survives of the old world, and what must be drastically adapted gives this dystopian novel the uncanny cadence of a nonfiction account, as if she’s observed it all firsthand.